Until further notice... · 11:31pm Mar 23rd, 2013
I am afraid to say that H:ASD has reached a writers block of such magnitude, that it blocks out the screen on my laptop and prevents me from seeing anything I write. It is too big for me to handle and I doubt that I can get past it. I feel that the story isn't really going anywhere and I hadn't planned it out thoroughly enough, as it has major plot holes and some serious Character flaws.
2424824 I've been tracking your story since chapter eight. I Finally decided to add it to my favorites as I always read the newest chapter when it came out (when I got time to read it). You got me hooked.
Love seeing that bell lit up. Thanks for the fave man.
But I understand about writers block
Why password on Spartan discovery it sounds like a good story by the disciption
Thanks for faving TCB: Fear The Unknown!