• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 1st, 2023



Skijaramaz Re-Read · 6:03pm Sep 9th, 2022

Hullo again everypony. I know I haven't been very active in the community, thanks to mental wellbeing and such. I apologize for that. Still, Skijaramaz recently reached out to me and let me know that he's doing a re-read of my Memory Pending story. Just giving him a plug, which is now at the top of each chapter done so far as well. It's up to chapter nine, as of this writing! If you want the full playlist, check it out down below. I hope everypony's doing well!

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Report Kiroberos · 823 views · Story: Memory Pending · #Audiobook
Comments ( 200 )
  • Viewing 196 - 200 of 200

You were the first one for me in this adventure. Thanks to you, I read a lot of wonderful story.
I thank you, and hope yours will be splendide. You earn it. You gave freely hours of life through your words to countless people you didn't know.
That's quite a thing.
Be and live proud of yourself.
Good luck, honorable host.

Just so you know we are all still waiting for you. Our friend. Even if its just to say that you can't go on. We understand. Please just tell us your still alive is all we ask for.

Will he ever come back?

  • Viewing 196 - 200 of 200
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