• Member Since 31st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen June 19th


Comments ( 10 )
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Nobody should have to go two years without a comment. Here's a free one.

You're welcome, I indeed am, now if only I didn't start reading at 10pm the night before work.... I could get farther along without worrying about sleep tonight.


Thank you for the favorite on Colors of the Heart. :twilightsmile:

I hope you are enjoying it. :moustache:

I've actually had a fair number of people ask me whether there is going to be a continuation/sequel or not and I must admit I'm tempted... but I have to have a really good way to tie it together or I'm not going to do it. With Aces High, the whole concept sprung basically fully formed in my head and I rolled with it, the same way my other stories have done in their own fashion.

If I can get a good enough plot together, then I'd be happy to write one, but it may be a while :twilightblush:

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