Sick Again, yaaaay · 9:02pm Feb 6th, 2015
So if any of you have been wondering where the next chapter is, I got sick again and haven't written jack.
I am a currently 16 year old cynic who used to love the show and is still on this site for some reason. Once in a blue moon I actually write something.
So if any of you have been wondering where the next chapter is, I got sick again and haven't written jack.
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darn you y u cancel my possibly favorite fic a dragons life? restart it restart it now! so i can read it
1478568 What I liked most about your Pinkie x Donut Joe fic; how organic the relationship felt. You do a great job of conveying how and why the characters feel the way they do about each other.
Thank you for faving Sugar on the Rocks! May I ask what you liked most about it?
1077244 you would be partially right!
1075632 that sounds like the first bite would be awesome, and then slowly grow more and more sickening XD