• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2014


For 24 years this guy;s been living right next to me, and he's still clueless


Just gimme a hint! · 4:06pm Feb 27th, 2014

Right i'm just tapped out i just don't know where to look next... If ANY of you have ideas as to where she is just send me a comment or a PM or a carrier pidgin or SOMETHING and that is where i'll look next.
I... I... I just need to find her...
Alice... where are you...

Report Who_The_Fuck_Is_Alice · 461 views ·
Comments ( 90 )
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Hey....i'l just call you bro. Hey bro. Thanks for the follow albiet it was a while ago but none the less it is still much appreciated thank you :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Gray Compass deleted Apr 29th, 2015


Thanks for the watch!

Maybe next time we cross paths, it can be when I need help with making cupcakes :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 86 - 90 of 90
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