Favorite villain: Nightmare Moon
:Favorite Princess: Luna
:Favorite Pegasus: Fluttershy
Favorite Filly: Scootaloo
:Favorite Earth Pony: CoCo Pommel
:Favorite Unicorn: The Great & Powerful Trixie
:Favorite Background Pony: Lyra
Favorite ponies
Storys I like
A Scratched Record Have you ever met somepony who claims they can hear another voice in there head besides their own? How about that they're sharing their body with another being entirely? No? Well then you haven't met Vinyl Scratch. 21,439 words · 185 · 4
Princess Celestia Gets Mugged Princess Celestia disguises herself as a younger mare and goes for a walk around Canterlot where she promptly gets mugged. Now on EqD. 17,343 words · 5,511 · 71
Anthropology Lyra is determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious legends of humans. 130,415 words · 8,556 · 175
The Star In Yellow Twilight finds a book that drives you mad if you read it 30,177 words · 1,490 · 31
Twilight's Dollhouse This funeral was just Twilight’s first. She realizes every pony she loves will die. Now that she is an Alicorn, she will have to relive this crippling heartache hundreds of times. . . Unless she can find a way to keep her best friends forever. 93,294 words · 1,034 · 60
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Letters From a Friend at the End of the World Twilight receives a letter from Trixie one day, but it raises more questions than it answers. 132,107 words · 1,913 · 57
Lyra's Human 2: Derpy's Human Serveral years after the events of "Lyra's Human," Derpy Hooves meets a human of her own. 637,513 words · 785 · 54
Of Lilies and Chestnuts Unable to have a child of their own, Canterlot socialites Fancy Pants and Fleur give adoption a shot. Enter Chestnut—a filly from beyond Equestria who will quite possibly turn their life upside down. 43,064 words · 1,949 · 25
Role Reversal Sometimes, we all need company. Big Mac found his in the form of a doll — a filly's mere toy. She provided companionship as an inanimate object, but now, it's not enough. 27,083 words · 1,026 · 19
Fun fact - Yoshi's are nothing but trouble.
Thank you for the watch! Hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Thank you for the watch. Now, I shall return the watch- therefore the fun shall be doubled!
Hi, I like muffins! Do you like them too?
Anyway, Happy Random Follow Day!! (Yay!!) Feel free to return it (Or not...)