Computer Fixed, writing chapter two, expect it tonight. · 2:40am May 18th, 2014
Computer Fixed, writing chapter two, expect it tonight. The chapter is called Seeking Answers, and for a good reason too, because I know many of you are seeking answers about various plotholes. Speaking of which, anything I should remember to clarify? I think I've got most of it drilled and killed in my brain, but I may forget.
last seen Mar 27th, 2016
Just thought I'd tell you that I've promoted your story here.
17 WEEKS??
I noticed none of them have their cutie marks.
But they are...
hi, everypony, it's me, Pinkie Pie I'm just kidding.
Ok, talking seriously now, I need a little help. As you can see, english isn't my first language, but I have really pretty good ideas. Would you aceppt be the editor to my next fic? Pweeeease