• Member Since 28th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 4th, 2017


i am new here


need a story writer please · 5:57am Apr 3rd, 2014

My e-mail is at mikeapps13@gmail.com

Report snowball55 · 315 views ·
Comments ( 100 )
  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100

Hey thanks for adding my stories to your bookshelf, (The Tale of Princess Celestia and Jake, The Adventures of Jake in Equestria, and The Quest). So what do you like about them?

thanks for adding "Wildfire - Lighting the Flame" to your bookshelf. there will be another chapter either today or tomorrow

Thanks for joining Fluttermom! This is the first group I've made and I'm always really happy when new people join. If you have any thoughts or suggestions to improve our group, don't hesitate to say so in the comments or send me a message directly.
Now here's Pinkie Pie with your "Welcome Wagon"

thanks so much for adding "Accidents" and "Sisters" to your bookshelf :twilightsmile:

Thanks for favoriting the prophecy of the Seventh Element

  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100
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need a story writer please · 5:57am Apr 3rd, 2014

My e-mail is at mikeapps13@gmail.com

Report snowball55 · 315 views ·

need a story writer please · 5:57am Apr 3rd, 2014

My e-mail is at mikeapps13@gmail.com

Report snowball55 · 315 views ·