• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 16th, 2015

Java Joe


It's that time. · 3:26am Aug 16th, 2015

Well, it's about that time. As much as I hate leaving things unfinished I just haven't been feeling much love for MLP in a while. The stories here no longer interest me and I really haven't watched an epsiode in at least a year if not more. Why am I doing this? I guess to head off any questions as to where I've been or if such and such a story will be continued.

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Report Java Joe · 703 views · Story: Girl from another place. ·

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Comments ( 37 )
  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

1523086 how about this? a random girl stumbles through a portal and ends up in equestria because of the link between equestria and earth its impossible to reset it like celestia did so time passes the same on both sides, the girls parents becomes worried searches for her and ends up in equestria too and highjinks happens and you can decide if it should end on a happy unity note a melancolly seperation note or a sad war note. you dont even have to put it in the same vicinity so you can limit it to cameos only

Thanks. I've still got a couple of the side stories that are slowly being worked on but I think the time for Rick and Twilight might be drawing to a close. I haven't totally given up on the possibility of something new along the lines of a cultural exchange but that would be explored using other characters.

just finished eris' game and all the sidestorys i got to say they were just as good as the original, love to see more sidestorys tho but take your time. oh and btw have you considered making a sequel to those 3 storys? i think there is potential in a earth meets equestria senario

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