• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
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Sad Attention: GentlemanJ will NOT be Publishing an OG Work For Now · 8:08pm Oct 20th, 2023

Hey there everyone,

Sorry this post is so late in coming, but as the title indicates, I will not be publishing my original work by my own choice.

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Report GentlemanJ · 270 views ·
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I removed it. DM me for more deets. :raritywink:

Yo my man, what happened to your wattpad stuff?

Hey, thanks! I loved writing this story, so to hear people enjoy it is the best thing ever.

Just wanted to say your Graves series is one of my favorite on this whole site. I've read it over about a dozen times by now. So, thanks for putting in all the effort in making for us, it truly is a masterpiece that's book worthy in my opinion.

Glad you liked it! If you want, I have a wattpad.com profile (still GentlemanJ) and an original story there. Seriously outdated, as I've been editing, re-editing, and generally fine-tuning my skills since, but it's there if you want.

But honestly, I'd hold off until I finish the final rework: it should be greatly improved, and hopefully soon.

  • Viewing 153 - 157 of 157
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