• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen July 11th

An hero

So, yeah, I'm a new writer, a fan of HiE and PoE fics, and am from the mid-atlantic Untied States.


Updates and new story · 2:28am Mar 13th, 2013

Shackles: Next chapter is 3,500 words in and is prepped for editing
PbDMbN: Still on hiatus

New Story!

Hostile Takeover: Capitalism Reigns Supreme

A short oneshot I came up with to overcome a serious bout of writer's block. It's supposed to be a satire. Be on the lookout for it in a day or two. Warning: It might offend some people

Report An hero · 568 views ·

Please, you come read my fics. If they not success, I will be execute.

You Shouldn't Be Here...

Well, if you're not thinking

by now, well, here's a duck with some advice.

And lastly, let's leave you with some philosophy.

Comments ( 146 )
  • Viewing 142 - 146 of 146

My sides..

...they hurt :rainbowlaugh:

It is interesting when somebody who calls himself An hero favorites a story about the vilest of villains. But I shall not complain, and in fact generously thank you.

Thanks for the faves!

  • Viewing 142 - 146 of 146
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