Octavia Fans 1,603 members · 1,318 stories

For fans of Canterlot's classy cellist.

Feel free to add any story to the list. Only requirement is that Octavia must be the main character or otherwise play a prominent role. Also, please sort into an appropriate category.

Apologies for the defunct contest, life a\happened and we really only got three entrants anyway. I'm sorry entrants DX

Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 23 - 42 of 42

Do you all know that anime… “Komi-San: can’t communicate?” That girl looks a lot like our favorite cellist… it’s almost as a human version of her. Right?

hi am looking for a human in mlp story about a man who a biker and was hit by a fireball while racing and ends in the mlp would he later dates Lyra heartstrings who a still way master said human for a herd with rarity Fluttershy octavia luna it's a slice if life story comedy help so if anyone can give me a name that be great

Octavia is AMAZING and according to cannon talented genius guess thats why you have that avatar not so talented

Man any NF song would match octavia's style simply for the chord selection

octavias a donkey

After a LONG break its good to be back and writing again. that said is there anyone out there with Octavias patience for Vinyl Actually anyone with editing and proofreading experience who can take my stream of fairly good ideas and turn them into paragraphs LOL REALLY good at ideas not so much with the grammar stuff

You are everywhere, aren't you?

Octavia looks a lot like that fiddle-player from the Apple Family Reunion, don't she?

I remember playing the cello in elementary school. It was... a thing.

is there a Tavi Scratch chat room on skype

proofreading and
editing service

PM me with any requests


As some of you know I am writing a tragic romance and I wish to say I am open to suggestions. My hope is to do fans of both Octavia and Vinyl Scratch proud.

u jusvclick publish wen ur done with a chapter

Hi everyone im writing my first fic a Tavi comes through a portal to our world HIE type i have the first chapter half written but dont know how to save it the only buttons i can find are edit delete and publish so after ten or so tries it remain in my word processor HOW DO YOU SAVE A CHAPTER TO A STORY AND WHEN EDITING ADDING NEW MATERIAL SAVE THAT

  • Viewing 23 - 42 of 42