• Member Since 24th Oct, 2019
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I am but a simple brony who loves everything My little pony FIM


A new beginning for Flurry's (HISHE) · 3:50pm July 10th

The next chapter that I'm working on, will be the new chapter one for the story.

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  • 2 weeks
    A new beginning for Flurry's (HISHE)

    The next chapter that I'm working on, will be the new chapter one for the story.

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    6 comments · 90 views
  • 3 weeks
    Slieght delay

    Chapter 2 for Flurry's Favorite Guard (HISHE) is being delayed a bit.

    Though the chapter is done, I'm not quite satisfied with the end result and will be taking the time to make improvements.

    I'm sorry for the delay, I will have chapter 2 out as soon as possible, just please give me a little more time to figure things out.

    0 comments · 35 views
  • 3 weeks
    Chapter 2 for Flurry's (HISHE) coming soon

    I'm literally at the end of the chapter, so I don't have much left to write. I would have it done, but I ran out of time and have to get ready for work. Plus, I still have to go over it again and fix any errors and see if any improvements could be made.

    Anyway, I should have it up some time tomorrow.

    Just a heads up, the next chapter will not pick up where chapter one left off.

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    0 comments · 60 views
  • 5 weeks
    More News on: First of the month

    I'll be working on this story more. I plan on putting out multiple chapters at once, but I really want to let you all know that chapter one is getting an extension/re-editing and depending on what I decide to do, chapter two's plot line might go through some changes, I haven't decided yet.

    All in all, I'm continuing the story, that's my real goal, and I hope to update soon.

    0 comments · 74 views
  • 6 weeks
    NEWS ON: First of the month

    I just want to say that I will be re-editing the sex scene between Sunset and Sal in Chapter one, maybe even extend it.

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    1 comments · 92 views

A new beginning for Flurry's (HISHE) · 3:50pm July 10th

The next chapter that I'm working on, will be the new chapter one for the story.

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Comments ( 176 )
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Thanks for the fave.

Thank you for favoring Trixie's Secret Lawyer. If there are any other ships you want to see more of, don't hesitate to ask.

I'm fine, thanks:twilightblush:

3322150 how are you doing today i hope your day is okay?

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