• Member Since 29th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Sometimes it's hard to smile, but that does not mean to stop trying

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  • 40 weeks
    Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie

    The most common Sunset Shimmer ship of all, and one of the most popular ships in fimfiction, is Sunset Shimmer/Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) which is completely understandable. The two are very similar and have a close canon relationship, and in fimfiction their ship has been part of some of the best fanfictions I personally have ever read. The only problem this ship ever really encountered was the canon relationship between Sci-Twi and Timber. There is of course no problem continuing to ship

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    1 comments · 163 views
  • 51 weeks
    Too Much!!!

    I've said time and time again that I want to come back and everything has been delayed because I just have too many stupid thoughts going through my head!! Every time I have an idea everything else goes out the window and even the successful stories get forgotten! And it's not just here, on my Archive account I have seven different stories in need of work too, and a new story idea I really want to use on Archive.

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  • 69 weeks
    The Equestria Element of Empathy

    I remember that it was said that Sunset Shimmer was the seventh element in the Human World, the Element of Empathy. First, that is pretty fitting for a reformed villain. Second, it made me wonder who would be the Element of Empathy in Equestria, and the one I thought fit that role right was actually Starlight Glimmer.

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  • 73 weeks
    The Lost Story

    There was a story on Fimfiction that I really enjoyed, it was called Challenges of Sobriety in a Weekend of Confines, unfortunately, it is no longer around on Fimfiction. It was a story of recovery from tragedy focused around Rainbow Dash and Applejack in Applejack's attempts to help Rainbow recover. In this story, Rainbow Dash became an alcoholic after a car accident that killed her parents and worst for her, her little sister Scootaloo. Since their deaths, she has shut herself in her

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    3 comments · 131 views
  • 73 weeks
    New Plan

    So this is my new plan for Fimfiction, I want to try continuing No Mirror, an Apprentice for two main reasons, one it had more success than I really imagined, and two because I love writing a story with a heavy focus on Sunset and I do want to continue her story where she never went through the mirror. As for when stuff will be posted, well that'll still be a while because of again two reasons. First reason is that because I don't want to post till I have multiple chapters finished, I

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    1 comments · 317 views

Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie · 7:36pm Oct 17th, 2023

The most common Sunset Shimmer ship of all, and one of the most popular ships in fimfiction, is Sunset Shimmer/Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) which is completely understandable. The two are very similar and have a close canon relationship, and in fimfiction their ship has been part of some of the best fanfictions I personally have ever read. The only problem this ship ever really encountered was the canon relationship between Sci-Twi and Timber. There is of course no problem continuing to ship

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Report Revanius · 163 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Thanks for the fave. ^_^

Thank you so much for adding An Anon-a-Miss Carol to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

No problem I get it college is really killing my own schedule for writing. And thanks for the follow as well.

Thanks for following. I have two stories unfortunately due to school I tend to upload slow and sporadic.

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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