• Member Since 19th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago


I read that's about all. I also give ideas and... MOLE RAT!!... Sorry kim possible flash back.

Blog Posts

  • 191 weeks
    Hey can someone help me?

    Have any of you guys and gals played Far Cry 3? I need help switching names to pony. I'm mentioning far cry in my story and I'm just starting out these are the names:

    Changing names to pony

    1)Jason Brody

    2)Vaas Montenegro

    3)Rook Islands

    Please help and thank you if you answer.

    0 comments · 202 views

Hey can someone help me? · 7:09pm Nov 25th, 2020

Have any of you guys and gals played Far Cry 3? I need help switching names to pony. I'm mentioning far cry in my story and I'm just starting out these are the names:

Changing names to pony

1)Jason Brody

2)Vaas Montenegro

3)Rook Islands

Please help and thank you if you answer.

Comments ( 266 )
  • Viewing 262 - 266 of 266

Will do have a good day and take care.

Thanks! Be sure to check out the sequel!

TFamily Begins With You
The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.
Jmaster49 · 255k words  ·  135  8 · 3.4k views

I had your story on read later for a year and finally got to it. Also I like how you use the interaction between characters.

Thanks for the follow! What about me caught your attention? :raritystarry:

I'm surprised I had not run into your stories sooner you know like bumping into someone in a hallway and apparently the turn you take the other person takes as well. It forms a friendship of confusion. Anyway good story and take care.

  • Viewing 262 - 266 of 266
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