• Member Since 18th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen April 22nd


Look at this cute little boi. So floofy.

Info About Me!

Name: Xavier
Age: ???
Height: 5’7”
Gender: Cardboard box
About Me: Hi! I am an avid gamer, I love MLP, reading, drawing, and watching tv. I am an admin on the group Fi(l)mfiction and I love everyone and I appreciate all of your hard work to make everyone here feel welcome!

Absolute Favs!

Latest Stories

Blog Posts

  • 180 weeks
    Guess Who

    Guess what, people! I am back because I just remembered that this place was a thing. School has been nuts and it has been stressful, but that isn't much of a reason. Anyway, I'm back now, so yeah. Yay!

    2 comments · 215 views
  • 201 weeks
    New Chapter, finally!!

    Hey, everyone! If you didn't already know, a new chapter for Assassin's Creed: Friendship is Magic is finally out! Go check it out!


    0 comments · 212 views
  • 221 weeks
    Chapter Hold Up, Again

    Once again, I am late in the publishing of the new chapter. This time, it won’t be up until it’s ready, because I’m scrapping the publishing deadline. So yeah. Deal with it.


    0 comments · 250 views
  • 224 weeks
    New Chapter Hold Up

    Heya, people. The next bi-weekly chapter may not come out on time, so don’t worry. If it doesn’t come out on Sunday, it should be out soon. Thanks for your time.

    0 comments · 255 views
  • 224 weeks
    Time to get in on this action!

    Ask away!

    0 comments · 221 views

Guess Who · 5:39am Feb 11th, 2021

Guess what, people! I am back because I just remembered that this place was a thing. School has been nuts and it has been stressful, but that isn't much of a reason. Anyway, I'm back now, so yeah. Yay!

Report MyLittleBronyDude · 215 views ·
Comments ( 132 )
  • Viewing 128 - 132 of 132

It’s been good. I’ve been grinding XP in a game called Adventure Quest Worlds Tom get a better sword, among other things. How have you been?

Hi there. I wanted to check up on ya and see how you're doing. It's been awhile and I wanted to make sure things were going well:heart:.

2881819 If you ever need to talk, I'm (almost) always available during the afternoon.

That’s all good. Thanks for checking in! I might check out that story.

2881803 I've been good. Just finished promoting my upcoming story and decided to check up on you and a few people if that's okay.

  • Viewing 128 - 132 of 132
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