Equestria Girls Fics 3,790 members · 12,297 stories
Comments ( 191 )
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Please add
*Principle Celestia folder
*Principle Luna folder
*Wallflower Blush folder
*Sci-Twi and Princess Twilight sub-folders to Twilight Sparkle folder
*Equestria Girls adventure folder
*Equestria Girls romance folder

Both I'd imagine. If it was one or the other fluttershy no doubt

If i have a fic that's primarily about human fluttersy but with sunset as a secondary protagonist, do i put it in fluttershy and sunset shimmer or just fluttershy?

Comment posted by Equestria Boy deleted Mar 1st, 2023

It seems Grand-Galvatron spammed own fic in many folders

Could someone be so kind to answer this question:Can someone name and list the clothes the Main 7 wears in the digital series?I just need it for a fanfic.Thank you very much in advance!


Where fics from real world to EqG?

Hey guys, I need a little help. I’m looking for a fic where an OC befriends the dazzlings. This OC, if I remember correctly, is a loner who plays music. He helps the dazzlings love music again.

I would say rock-pop. Coincidentally, I'm listening to Wilson Phillips right now, and I realized that the EqG VAs sound just like them. Anyone who isn't familiar with Wilson Phillips, give a listen to them and you'll agree that the VAs could very well sing their songs. They sound so much alike in many ways.

How would you describe the music in equestria girls videos? I ask I’m curious and want to replicate it

We're at 9'999 stories!
Who'll be out 10'000th?


I would like to make a request for a fanfiction: What if Midnight Sparkle defeated Daydream Shimmer? What if Spike’s cry did not distract Midnight? How would things turn out?


I would like to make a request for a fanfiction: What if Midnight Sparkle defeated Daydream Shimmer? What if Spike’s cry did not distract Midnight? How would things turn out?

Nice to meet you all!
I am Fate Weaver, and I'm new with all this concept of writing a Fic. But I'm trying to write my first history here in the (post apocalyptic) Equestria Girls World.

If you want to take a look on the fic, the link is here.

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

Comment posted by FireworksPOP deleted Feb 25th, 2021

Hi! I'm new here, my new story was just sent in. How long does it take to get it approved?

Hi are there any editors that can help me with my story I already have 2 ready

Second story is done. Just like the first one leaves your comments and a like on how it went. SEE ya:raritywink:

  • Viewing 172 - 191 of 191