Sunset Shimmer gets shipped with ponies? Not humans? Right? Yeah...
Here, in this group you could discuss shippings of Sunset Shimmer and promote your Sunset Shimmer stories!
This week's pair goes to a pairing that's actually the most common of the Sunset Shimmer ships. SunFlash...
1. Threads are not allowed to have NSFW content without a warning in the title. Anyone who does this will be banned for a week.
2. You may post your story if it contains Sunset Shimmer shippings. Also, shameless promotion for any of your stories with Sunset Shimmer as an important character are allowed. Also, please warn if it is GrimDark or Clop.
3. Foalcon must be placed in its folder. Please, also warn if you are promoting your story.
4. Be kind to every user on this group. I don't want to struggle with stopping a flame war.
5. Every shipping with Sunset Shimmer is allowed. It only needs to have Sunset Shimmer and it's allowed in this group.
6. No random threads. The threads allowed are shippings with Sunset Shimmer, discussions, or any post from me or ShotgunNeko. Any thread not resembling or just about you being bored will be deleted.
7. Have fun and I hope you enjoy this group!
Where’s are sunset/starlight ship folder at ?
Just posted chapter 5 of my story 'Fruits of love' hope you guys like it
sunglimer someone ?
At first, I didn't like Sunset Shimmer. Then the second EQG film came around and showed the world how you redeem a character on the moral AND meta level! Shimmer for life!
Please I'm trying to get to a million reads I would really appreciate it
After Mirror Magic, I have a feeling Sunset x Starlight will be the next one she is shipped with.
Sunset×rarity I thought about this and look them all over and this one just makes most sense to mee
WARNING: I'll be posting my story to your group, Sunset Shimmer x OC soon. Rated T, I believe there will be no NSFW content in it.
327319 Sunset wins.
Lol, Trisun sounds like Trigun
Woo-hoo! 100th member!

This deserves a mustache
can we get one for snips and snails already!!?
I came here expecting a Navy in honor of Sunset Shimmer.
I am disappointed.
That is all. Equestria is ours.
Just saw it. Let's party!
Yaay 50 members!!!!! Ohhh yeah!
327319 Definitely SS for the win. Twilight would do something dumb, like turn her back on SS and then SS would go for the dirty tactic win.
328858 i too was lured with the promise of delicious gropes! But I LOVE SUNSET SHIMMER so
thank u Neko-Sama!