• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I like to write and review (react) and sometimes react to reactions

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Blog Posts

  • 18 weeks
    Story Review #28

    Story review: #28 The Sun and the Star
    —by General Alduin


    Sunset Shimmer: I really like the way you highlight who Sunset is in this story it feels very organic. And I appreciate the amount of characterization we get for her in such a short run-time.

    Starlight Glimmer: This alternate human version of Starlight is interesting….
    …..because although she is very similar to the Starlight in the pony world/the canon she also isn’t.

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    0 comments · 77 views
  • 28 weeks
    Story Review #27

    Story review #27 The Dragon Sisters —by Mechazilla88 & Co-Writer Phantom-Dragon
    (Requested by Mechazilla88)

    Disclaimer: I’m only gonna be covering the most important/present characters in this fic since it has a lot of characters

    Spike: I like him but I’m really gonna need him to show me more in future chapter because I don’t feel I have a ton to go off of. But his characterization and sympathy make me interested in what could happen next for him as a protagonist.

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    0 comments · 112 views
  • 46 weeks
    Story Review #26

    Story review #26 Milkshakes, Marionettes, and Midnight —by EileenSaysHi


    Twilight Sparkle: I love her characterization in this story so much it is so incredibly in canon but it somehow makes her more human the way she tries to check on the Milkshakes or tries walking to the bathroom to avoid confrontation and blames everything on herself being weak is wonderfully written. I also love her awkward Adorakble dynamic with shiny.

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    2 comments · 127 views
  • 47 weeks
    Story Review #25

    Story review #25 Pyrophiliacs —By EpicGamer10075


    Sunset Shimmer:

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    0 comments · 163 views
  • 47 weeks
    Story Review #24

    Story Review #24 A Shimmering Heartbreak —by Spyder27

    Reward for winning a competition in the Sunset X Villain competition group and a continuation of the previous story I reviewed making this the logical next step plus I kinda wanted to see where this went.

    I recommend reading the story and the first one as well along with Story review #23 since this is kind of a continuation of that review since it’s the same saga.

    (Theirs a lot to cover)

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    1 comments · 154 views

Story Review #28 · 3:10am March 21st

Story review: #28 The Sun and the Star
—by General Alduin


Sunset Shimmer: I really like the way you highlight who Sunset is in this story it feels very organic. And I appreciate the amount of characterization we get for her in such a short run-time.

Starlight Glimmer: This alternate human version of Starlight is interesting….
…..because although she is very similar to the Starlight in the pony world/the canon she also isn’t.

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Comments ( 59 )
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Affirmative 👍
Just PM me the details.

Hey, are you still doing reviews?

Thanks for the add to your bookshelf.

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