• Member Since 17th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2022


Old medically retired first responder and farmer with an urge to grow in a new direction.

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  • 148 weeks

    I am sorry for leading everyone on but my choices have been made for me. I am entering Hospice and will be unable to finish my stories. Anyone who wishes to pick one up and run with it is more than welcome.

    I'd like to thank everyone for the moments of peace and entertainment that they have gifted me with through their stories. Please know that even when it's not said explicitly, your contributions have value.

    5 comments · 382 views
  • 164 weeks

    I'm slow these days. I cycle between stupid mode (taking enough IQ lowering pills to be numb) and vicious mode (the opposite of numb). The in between time when I can do useful things is precious and must be rationed. But the doctors say that they're not giving up until they figure it out.

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  • 182 weeks
    I'm thinking about throwing a drunk

    Just so everyone understands beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am not perfect, I want tell you what happened to the planned release of my new story.

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  • 184 weeks
    Coming Soon

    I'm slowly but surely crawling back out into the sun. There's a new story building and once it's launched, I will pick up the old ones for continuation. That's going to mean some rewrites and false starts but such is life. Who knows how far I'll get this time.

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  • 262 weeks

    I'm learning things about myself and about this site. I've learned that the harder I work, the less creative I am. I've found out that I have fans but I'm not real sure why. And there's a few friends out there.

    This story was intended to be a one off quicky just to play with a concept. By the time I could get it to some sort of logical conclusion, I had two sequels outlined. I have no idea when I'll finish them or how many offshoots they'll spawn.

    Ain't life fun?

    5 comments · 287 views

Goodbye · 5:08pm Mar 18th, 2022

I am sorry for leading everyone on but my choices have been made for me. I am entering Hospice and will be unable to finish my stories. Anyone who wishes to pick one up and run with it is more than welcome.

I'd like to thank everyone for the moments of peace and entertainment that they have gifted me with through their stories. Please know that even when it's not said explicitly, your contributions have value.

Report Bernard · 382 views ·
Comments ( 2 )
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A, absolutely. I was born with perfect memory and did very well scholastically and economically when I was young as a result. Now, several concussions, multiple surgeries, a small ocean of drugs, a coma, and a bunch of years later, I have rage when I reach for a word I've used for years and the damned thing is hiding from me. I learned long ago to deal the bad associations and avalanche of trivia that TV remains blissfully unaware of but knowing something and not being able to recall it on demand is a major league pisser.

The story I am working on is going to deal with some of that re Alicorns and too much memory. (tease tease)

If you were forced to live forever and you only had the following options which one would you choose for yourself:
a) You will remember every day of eternity.
b) Each year, you will forget everything you did in the past year.

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