• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 25th


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Writing this on my tablet · 2:57pm Jul 14th, 2018


My laptop's battery has completely died!

First my dog gets sick, significantly reducing the amount of time I get free to use for writing, but when I FINALLY finish the second chapter of my Sheogorath fic, I turn off my laptop with the intent to publish in the morning, and when I get up, IT DOESN'T BLOODY WORK!!!!!

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The stuff I write.

Comments ( 388 )
  • Viewing 384 - 388 of 388

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the fave.


Thanks for the watch.

I use a mobile phone for years... PC just sucks to mutch, since for some reason text to speech seem to get aneurysm and die or are like hamsters on speed only breathing helium by default.
It is strange :duck:

Anyway have a nice day :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 384 - 388 of 388
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