• Member Since 16th Mar, 2012
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Slight delay · 10:54pm Aug 13th, 2021

Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know there will be a slight delay in the release of the next chapter for Moving Day. I had hoped to get it out this week, but circumstances prevented that. I've been pretty busy at work, as I was recently promoted to a new position and have been in training for the past few weeks, which has eaten up a lot of my mental energy, so that's why the chapters have slowed down lately. That and I had to rip about half of the chapter out as I wasn't happy with the

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Report Timothy48 · 280 views · Story: Moving Day ·


Not much to say about me honestly. Just your average college age brony who plays guitar, likes computer games, reads and writes pony fan fiction, lives on a farm and likes history.

A little trivia about me.

Favorite pony: Applejack
Least favorite pony: Pinkie Pie
Favorite Shipping: Vinyl Scratch x Octavia
Least Favorite Shipping: Twilight x Pinkie Pie
Favorite Episode: Luna Eclipsed
Least Favorite Episode: Spike at your Service
Favorite food: Just about everything
Least Favorite food: Brussel Sprouts
Favorite Subject in School(s): Communications and History (So long as it's taught by a competent teacher who actually knows something about the subject)
Least Favorite Subject(s): Math and (History taught by instructors who'd rather indoctrinate people than educate them.)

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Comments ( 92 )
  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92

Pretty much the same reasons as you, plus, she just makes me tired watching her. I don't hate her, I just can't deal with her in large doses is all.

I'm curious as to what makes Pinkie Pie your least favorite pony? My reason is her immaturity and the fact she does not respect other's boundaries and personal space which is a shame as she had her annoying moments but she was much more mature in the earlier seasons.

Heya man, just noticed your "Moving day" fic! It's just...WOW!

Thanks for the watch! :ajsmug:

  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92
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