• Member Since 21st Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2023




In 2185, during his campaign against the Collectors, Commander Shepard discovered a previously unknown species whose origins predated any other race in the modern galaxy. Following a daring rescue from their ancient sanctuary, the Equestrian Herd was brought back into the galaxy where, for the first time in eons, they must walk their own path.

Knowing full well the terrible threat that lingers on the edge of the galaxy, the leader of this newly freed race fights to secure her people’s future while attempting to prepare for the storm on the horizon.

This is her story.

The long awaited Sequel to Mass Effect 2: The Equestrian Equation This is a reader directed story. Your choices will shape events.
If you favorite, also like! It's one little button click that makes all the difference.

Also, this series has its own TVTropes page now! (Special thanks to user CrowMagnon for setting it up).

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 3320 )

Hell yes! I've been waiting for this!

Comment posted by Professor Plum deleted Jan 24th, 2013

Just before I read, I must say:



Forty two is now the gloriousest of bastards / karma agents.

L2L is best writer.

And this story is going to be awe-inducingly marvelous.



:yay: yay

Edit: After reading the first chapter i already can´t wait for the next one and maby our first Choices and/or Directive Decisions ^^ .

Then don't first post.

And especially don't first post when you're not first


I need a squeeface icon. Rainbow Kissy will have to do.
Also, please tell your artist that I love the Dr. Adorable reference with Flutters.

Oh, so 42 wrote the Codex?
Brain the size of a planet I assume?

I am unbelievably excited to see the continuation of this story. It will be very interesting to see just what you have in stock for our Madam President. While I voted for continuing Shepards tale, this will no doubt be an equally rewarding trip into both the world of Mass Effect and MLP.

I loved the way you made Forty-Two of Fifty think and act as well. Karma indeed.

2014594 Uncalled for, Plum. :ajbemused: Besides Ninja: according to the site rules, you're not supposed to do 'first' posts anyways without something else to say. Personally I never saw the point but 'eh'. So let's just leave that there, shall we... please Enjoy the story. :ajsmug:

It's here! It's finally here! :pinkiehappy:
So, Pinkie's a mad scientist?
Who cares! Yippee!

*Bzzzzt* Warning: Errors detected in source code. Please rectify:

Under Citadel Conventions, these crimes are immediately upgraded to Capital offenses

Missing period, and there's just way too much capitalization in this box. What's Up With That?

Well, first posting is a bannable offence, so...

Either way, I'm content to let it drop.

That's not Fluttershy, I'm afraid :twilightsmile:

2014604 Uhh that's Pinkie Pie. :pinkiesmile: But by all means, let him know yourself. This pic is up in his gallery, just click the 'source' link under the cover page.

oh, and as an idea, steal the first batch of comments with the choices listed on each chapter with stuff to vote on, and have people thumbs up their choices. down votes would have no standing on the outcomes, only upvotes.

Curse you Twilight fans
Yay! The next installation! From Twilight's perspective.
Oh this will be fun.
I will vote options that either screw somebody over or just are bad in the long run.

2014657 but... I like the comments. :fluttershysad: I do hope they contain more than just the vote personally, but still, It pleases me to see the readers take their time to vote, even if they are voting in the minority and know so at the time.

oh, the coat color under the labcoat looks yellow, and the mane style looks very similar, if a bit shorter than, Flutter's. Anywho, off to go compliment an awesome artist.

Alright, was just a suggestion for streamlining. I know some authors don't like cluttered comments sections.

I look forward to this story, and I'm glad I'm actually here as this one is being written, as I read the last one after it was completed (I started reading your stuff around when you started the current Doctor Whooves story)

Anyhow, have a nice day, it made me squee that you responded so quickly.

Bad Forty Two! Bad changeling-mech! :rainbowlaugh:

I've been really looking forward to this, it's going to be fantastic.

Hmmm, I hate 'ponies fuck yeah' (not that this is 'ponies fuck yeah') and the pony race is in an extremely delicate situation. You know what this calls for?

EQUESTRIAN EMPIRE! All shall bow to the pony Overlords! Mwuahahahaha! Let's make Twilight future-Hitler!

Oh god, this story is finally here. I'd squee so hard right now if sqeeing was something I ever did.

Okay, I would like to state that this is better than I expected of this, I will track this:twilightsmile:

Oh yes, I am going to enjoy this! And I sincerely hope that 42 manages to get a security-cam view of Sparatus's reaction.....:rainbowlaugh:

So it begins. Can't to see were this story leads. The only Idea I can put forth at thus time is that maybe Twilight should think about how long she wants to stay on the Citadel. It might be prudent for her to develop a power base elsewhere. I'll be sure to share with you any ideas I come up with.

So much squee here. :heart::heart: And I missed out on the chance to do so for Equestrian Equation, but this time I get to take part in the voting! SO AWESOME! :rainbowkiss::yay::rainbowkiss::yay::rainbowkiss:

Tell that to EpicDonus.

Oh wait.

You can't.

Because he's banned.

Someone who ran around the site first-posting ":rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:" on any blog or story he could find.

Same situation, as he was banned for first-posting, something which you claimed didn't happen.

I'm happy to leave this be, just don't earn yourself a ban for being stupid.

My favourite character of the show leading equestrian survivors through space and hardship? I'll definitely follow this. :twilightsmile:

In the words of Twilight herself


SO SO SO Hyped for this. I love the first one, and this time I can actually take part in the choices.

I am so loving 42. Paybacks a bitch Councillor. Enjoy it.

Manual for this story:
1. Favorite it.
2. Up-vote it.
3. Read it.
4. Comment on it.
5. ...
6. Profit!

To move the mouse to the "like button" would cost a percentage of a decimal's worth of a calorie!

Awesome can't wait for more and, I thank you for writing this story.

According to in-story continuity, Firewalker and Overlord: yes. Shadow Broker and Arrival: not yet. Also this story begins immediately after the "Suicide Mission," for reference.

Oh hell yes!


Also, 42 just did what most of us wish we could have throughout the whole trilogy.

I REALLY enjoyed ME2: TEE and I'm more than happy to see it's going to continue. :pinkiehappy:

So a fav and a like is most likely the wisest course of choice. :twilightsmile:

"I'm Garrus Vakarian and this is now my favourite fic on the Internet."


My face when I saw this.

I didn't read "The Equestrian Equation" until the beginning of this month, but it is now my favorite Mass Effect story on Fimfiction to date. And now comes its sequel, in all of its glory!


This should express my feeling when i first saw a notification then a codex:twilightsmile: entry followed some days later by another notification and finally a chatper.

I was without words for The Equestrian Equation. Now there is this sequel and, the best possible thing:raritystarry:, I can vote! Add the fact that I just replayed the 3 games recently and watched Paragon lost... I'm almost in the same state that Rarity could be in if she learn that all clothes stores in Canterlot have a 75% off sales.

I will gladly comment on every chapter. The Choices and Directive Decisions instead of clear paragon/renegade options is a nice change and i really look foward to it.

Oh and Forty-Two of Fifty. I don't know if i should hug, kiss or brohoof this good bastard. Joker would probably give him a medal for doing that.

Got myself an account just so I can vote on this one.
Equestrian equation was one of my all times favorites, so here's hoping you give us more soon!:twilightsmile::derpytongue2:

No time to read. Favorite and thumbs up anyways.

Alright then. Let me try this new system out.

Choice: [Post a Response] [Don't Post a Reponse]

I'm going with... Post a Response to this story!

Okay then.

Decision: [Write More] [Don't Write More]

Well that's a tough one. Which to choose, which to choose. I guess I'll go with...

42, I request that you notify the author to write more story please!


Aww yeah. i came in late in that last story cant wait to participate in this one :D




Strap in, everypony, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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