• Member Since 21st Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2023



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Quick Update · 3:36pm May 13th, 2021

Still here, Have not disappeared.
Work progresses on next chapter of Shades of Twilight, putting it around 40% pre-edit due to some work related issues. Don’t have an exact date but am going to have it up with new decisions and choices.

Also have taken the time to re-watch some Dr. Who (Pre-City of Angels) and Season 1&2 of MLP to get my mindset back into the flow and mindset of Only Skin Deep.

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Report Loyal2Luna · 2,172 views · Story: Mass Effect: Shades of Twilight ·

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Comments ( 480 )
  • Viewing 476 - 480 of 480

Really enjoyed your stories (read Shades of Twilight and Equestrian Expansion a few months ago and the Doctor Whooves stuff now after a subtle rec from Dewdrops on the Grass.) Hopefully everything's going okay for you IRL and you can get back to writing soon, to avoid rambling on about my thoughts I'm just going to say I think your stories are all just Brilliant :twilightsmile:

(I wanted to add a gif of Jodie saying 'brilliant' here but there's none hosted on services fimfic likes that still exist that I can find so I just added a smiling anxiety horse instead, hope you can get back to your Timey-Wimey & Spacey-Wacey Horsewords but if not just continue being awesome!)

last seen 1 hour ago 😮

Oi! Finish building your slipstream drive and come back from the Delta quadrant already, you great mangy dingbat:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 476 - 480 of 480
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