• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 16th, 2014


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Crystal ponies · 9:10am Nov 12th, 2012

There were so many fan fictions about the mane 6 discovering they are changelings pretty soon after the Royal wedding episodes, but so far there has been no (as far as I know) mane 6 as crystal ponies fan fictions, and there hasn't been too many about crystal ponies. Why not? Crystal ponies are cool. And sparkley.

Report decembuary · 402 views ·
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Dear decembuary,

Thank you for playing a game of Chess with me. I'm glad we both had fun, no matter who the winner was, and I hope that we can sit down for another game sometime soon.

~ KR

(Thanks for the fave!)

Thanks for faving my new story, hope you enjoyed it

Thanks for Faving From Now to Eternity :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the fave of Still Needed

Thanks for the fav!

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