Just a regular guy from MN. I stopped watching the show some time ago, after Twilight's ascension to alicorn status (Season... 5? I think?), but I still love the fandom and I love to write. Please feel free to message me sometime, and enjoy my works. :)
Do you guys remember if he ever wrote a story called "The Frozen South?" Where there's an expedition to the frozen lands that just started thawing and revealing a massive battlefield from a war between unicorns and pegasi?
RIP creator. Gone but not forgetten.
RIP dear author
For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...
Giving Peace To Those Who Are Lost Or Have Banish
A true shame because he was a great writer, but there is no choice but to respect that decision.
I am very grateful for all the stories he wrote and shared with us, even as I lament those that remained unfinished.
I've talked about it awhile back and he is adamant. He's not returning.