• Member Since 6th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 12 minutes ago

Raven Blackwood

Imagination is the key to creativity.

Nightmare Moon

The Music of Nightmares


Doing some slight changes to my profile. · 3:37am Jul 15th, 2022

Hey, guys.

It's me, ShadowNightmare. Just want to let you all know that I've changed my username since the old one didn't really suit me anymore. I want to try and do some rebranding of my profile page. Basically, my username and my avatar icon have changed. I'll probably do some more fixes to my profile as well, such as putting new pictures and such.

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Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

Good. I'm fine as well.


Newer fan here (Mar/Apr 2023, G5 had nothing to do with it.)

You rang? :trollestia:


How's it going?

I've seen you in plenty of places, so I might as well interact with you.

Been doing alright. :eeyup::moustache:

Newer fan here (Mar/Apr 2023, G5 had nothing to do with it.)

You rang? :trollestia:

How's it going?

I've seen you in plenty of places, so I might as well interact with you.

I hope that your days are bright, your nights peaceful, and your life full of hope and joy.

  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57
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