The Helpful Comment Trade 332 members · 1,001 stories

Welcome to
The Helpful Comment Trade


This is a special review group that aims for those who want to discuss their stories with other authors, and those who want their stories to gain better recognition throughout the site.

What sets us apart from other review groups, is that we're also a very social group where you can talk and collaborate with each other to improve stories, and help develop them. Talk to our reviewers if you want some feedback or talk to an editor if you need a story to be checked. Check the rules thread for more info.




Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 22 - 41 of 41

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Thank you for reading friends!

Alright, so I adjusted the short description, what do you think?

So you are saying my short description is putting people off? How should I word it then?

Large aspect of this is the short description and overall premise of your story. Even if you worked really hard on a story, it might do well if the premise and description don't intrigue potential readers

Several of my stories are doing surprisingly poor despite how hard I worked on them, I respectfully request to post my stories in your folders and maybe link them in a forum.

So I’m trying to submit my story, but it keeps saying that I don’t have the permissions to do so. Probably me being a dunce, but what permissions is it referring to and how do I get them? I’m trying to submit to the Romance folder, if that somehow makes any sort of difference in what the problem could be.

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted March 12th
Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Nov 11th, 2019

So I just submitted a story to the group, and it went into a folder that it has nothing to do with. And it didn't allow me to move it somewhere else.

Any idea of how I can fix this? I have no idea.

This group looks awesome! I think you all are the answer to my prayers, being able to give/receive help and trade creative ideas.

Hi. I just wanted feedback on one of my stories and I wanted more attention including this one:


I joined this group to find out what others think about my story and I could also help others develop their stories, I have a lot of ideas, so I'd love to help you :)

Oh hey, a group for feedback. I like that. I've been writing a fic for....a while, but have been out of the game for a while on writing it. I wanna get back in the game, but I need someone to shoot ideas off that won't just agree with me on everything. I wanna troubleshoot some of these ideas cause I have A LOT of them for this. Maybe get a co-author that I can do this with.

Here's a link:

So if someone what's to review a story we just post a thread on it or do I need to ask because I can help get though some of the to be review stories. I know this question most likely has been answered a thousand times or seeing how there are only three reviewers three times but still I think I need to become a reviewer because lately I has be back-sit writing I just go on some people stories yes but, making a long comment. But I'll like an answer please and thank you

392487 Yeah *giggles*
I just need the chapter to be long enough to contain the intended substance.
Chapters should never be either too long, not too short. This would depend on the story mainly.

I think i should aim for between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Feels as if this should be about right for me and the stories I am looking forwards to publish here.

392519 The Pink Balloon is a fairly short story.
I hope you enjoy it.

392488 Oh ok. I guess they just cracked and forgot to send you a message, then?

if Anything is good, then I can fill your reading list up to the brim, but I guess we start with something short to see how things go from there?

I guess we choose the Mane folder(FoalDeer) ?

Then you need to get all warmed up and fuzzy with Pink joy. Le me send you off on the first merry/jolly ride them.

392479 You did not get any new notification at all? Or was it merely covered by you updating the site of the group?

Guess it would still be worth a try. For the first try, anything in particular that would be interesting? Otherwise I could set you up with an One-Shot as first sample.

The folders feels a bit odd and strange to me. Apparently I need someone to post the stories in the Review folder for me.
I could stuff the remaining folders as far as the site rules permit.

Some of mystories are also available in G-Doc format, if this would be prefered?

  • Viewing 22 - 41 of 41