Comments, anyone? 345 members · 4,479 stories

This place is for people who really want comments on a story. After all, who doesn't like comments? First stop is the Introducing Thread for anyone new to the group. Come on now, don't be shy... like me. Anyways I hope you get what your looking for in this group and have a great time while doing it.

Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 1 - 20 of 20

I'd love to have thoughts and feedback given to my on one of my One-Shots. Just a heads up, it's part of a larger project:raritywink:.

TWings Of Vigor
Since first choosing to walk down this path, I have accomplished what few did - or were willing to do - themselves. Few thanked me for it, but that was fine. As long as my goal is achieved, I will continue down this road, until I can walk it no more.
Golden Fang Ryu Shenron · 5.3k words · 365 views

I love getting comments and views on my stories, if anyone is willing here are some of them.

[Adult story embed hidden]

EFriendship is absolute chaos: Part 2
Things quickly get out of hand with the girls chaos...
Aether Spark · 25k words  ·  60  2 · 1.2k views

[Adult story embed hidden]

[Take note that some of these are sequels.]

I'd appreciate some reviews on my newest story, Rainbow SatAM!

TRainbow SatAM
Living life as a part of a rebel alliance is hard, but Rainbow finds a way to make things way past cool!
MLPonyPals · 8.6k words  ·  13  0 · 428 views

While I'd love comments on really any of my currently working on stories, I would appreciate any on My most recent ones.

I just hope my stories are enjoyed by people.

I would appreciate for comment on "The Road of Courage!"

Would appreciate comments on my story!

I hope I get good reviews...

Comment posted by annonymus deleted May 26th, 2018

I would dispute that but then I realized that you delete everything, so there's no point as any example I give would be deleted.

Comment posted by annonymus deleted May 26th, 2018

You do not know the definition of "constructive criticism"

I need to get some helpful reviews and positive comments on my story.

Flight tells the story of a pegasus rebellion against the oppressive batpony regime. As an allegory, it delves into the nature of depression, trust, truth, and revelation. Enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

Since your "Introducing Thread" link keeps signing me out of my account before putting me into the thread, I'll introduce myself here.
Hi, there! I'm Eskerata. I've written stories that are sad, funny or violent. I've written some horror stories, too. I've put two of my comedy stories on this group to test the waters, as it were. I hope to have a good time here.

Comment posted by EquineAvenger deleted Sep 20th, 2015

I'm very eager to get comments on the story I've submitted. It's one of my most successful stories, with several new readers every day. Yet feed back is very rare, I don't get many faves or ratings and I haven't had a comment in months. I need to know, are all these readers even enjoying the story?

That's Not How It's Pronounced!

Welcome! You have found a group just for putting comments on peoples stories, so hooray for you!:pinkiehappy: Feel free to add a couple of stories to a folder, I'm sure you'll at least get one comment. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to message me.

  • Viewing 1 - 20 of 20