• Member Since 1st May, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Just a fellow fan artist and writer


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  • 18 weeks
    I'm back!

    Hey, starlets!

    It's been a while, since last time.

    There has been some irl stuff happening, as well as working on other projects at the same time.One involving a new crossover story, I've been heavily involved with, that's on Wattpad.

    As for "The Road of Courage"? Well, there had been some changes and I have plans on returning, but for now, due to writer's block, it's gonna take a while.

    0 comments · 71 views
  • 95 weeks
    The scandal and the future of The Road of Courage

    Hey, guys. Prisma here.

    I thought about so many ideas, that I wanted to include in my fanfic "The Road of Courage". One of them is to include four ponies, based on Big Time Rush for the upcoming friendship festival and maybe even beyond. There was also another idea to include another group of ponified entertainers, that I sadly am completely hesitant now on putting it in future chapters. I'm afraid, that I would either scrap this plan or remove one member.

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    0 comments · 268 views
  • 147 weeks
    Chapter 13 and plans


    Chapter 13 of "The Road of Courage" is now out! The longest chapter so far and by far the most intense. LINK: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/468112/14/the-road-of-courage/chapter-13-a-glimmer-of-courage

    And also, I would be happy, if someone decide to make an animated adaptation of my fanfic, once it's finished! I wouldn't mind, if some changes are made though.

    Sorry, this fanfic means so much for me.

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    0 comments · 251 views
  • 162 weeks
    More into and mistake

    Hey, guys! On my Deviantart, I just released the pony designs of Gil and the others! You can find it here:


    Also, I've been thinking about future arcs for several characters, like reformation and finding love. In the upcoming Chapter 12, the side plot will be about the Brain Freezer trying to get her live. Her as in, one of my 7 luminous OCs, named Snow Emerald!

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  • 187 weeks
    New Chapter

    Just letting you know, the seventh chapter of "The Road of Courage" is out!

    The Road of Courage - Chapter 7

    0 comments · 218 views

I'm back! · 7:50am March 19th

Hey, starlets!

It's been a while, since last time.

There has been some irl stuff happening, as well as working on other projects at the same time.One involving a new crossover story, I've been heavily involved with, that's on Wattpad.

As for "The Road of Courage"? Well, there had been some changes and I have plans on returning, but for now, due to writer's block, it's gonna take a while.

Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

Going quite well. Recently, I've moved in to a group appartment and I'm slowly getting used to living on my own.

We have not spoken in a while, how are you?

Chillin is fun :3

Sounds lonely! ❤️

I love your profile pic, very stylish

I've been chilling so far and just finished the next part of my fanfiction. However, it's a very long one.

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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