Alicorn OC stories 173 members · 63 stories

A refuge for writers with an alicorn OC. Most alicorn OCs take a bit of heat from the fanbase. Yes most alicorn OCs take the heat, some make it and some don't. But whether you are a long lost price, or a dictator from a warring country, we hold our heads high in respect for the OCs of the alicorn breed. Post your fics in honor of master race. Take my OC as an example disliked up and down, but I'm still writing. I say don't give up just keep writing and maybe people will see your OC is cool.

1.Please respect all mods/admins
2.This group is for alicorn OCs, so if you hate then GET OUT
3.NO alicorn is Oped
4.No hating without reading
5.Any stories involving an alicorn OC is ok
6.NON-OC characters are a big no and Admins will delete it
7.Have fun and may all alicorns get noticed
8.Proper spelling please
9.No Cursing

Comments ( 25 )
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It's Tough to be an Alicorn

Pretty silent…

Hell yeah! Fuck all the me-tooers that've been regurgitating each other's soundbytes since the 19xx's, fuck everyone that thinks fanfiction being "Serious business" means everyone has to follow the same rules, let's see some creativity and let's see some fucking fun!

This group feels dead...

So I'm bumping this up.

But whether you are a long lost price,

Hello, I'm the Alicorn of half-pennies, an old US currency that got removed.
I think it may actually be Prince.

my OC is technically an alicorn, but her mother (princess luna) cast a spell on her that disguised her as a pegasus until her coronation.

is that ok?

I've added my first fic here due to it having an alicorn OC. I guess the story itself is no good based on the number of thumbs down, comments, and such, but I added it to this group anyway. Maybe it'll help draw in some more alicorn lovers and perhaps a few people willing to help me redeem the story if it can be.

341696 Yes I Spelled it wrong one of my admins fixed it for me. I was in a rush

341697 Hey, you get points for speed. We're all winners, especially once we accept bread into our hearts.

341696 *shakes hand* I have been bested. Well done, good sir.

But whether you are a long lost price, or a dictator from a warring country, we hold our heads high in respect for the OCs of the alicorn bread.

Finally a place where my OC Yeastrise Bakel will be accepted! I've waited so long for a group like this…

we hold our heads high in respect for the OCs of the alicorn bread

Comment posted by Luz deleted Dec 24th, 2013

Please No CURSING in the group

Please do upload stories to the folders there will be more later



yah mang my alicorn oc is the top shit, so :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

341678 I should know look at my two stories that are about my OC Night Wolfe and can anyone draw a good banner

341674 yea thanks man my alicorn always got made fun of and it made me sad :C your a nice guy

  • Viewing 6 - 25 of 25