• Member Since 8th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2023

Tide Hunter

I am an editor. I've also tried writing, though I lack experience with writing stories.

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Help me with a story I'm writing · 1:08pm Oct 30th, 2018

In this story, the main character is dead and being reborn. She was an earth pony, and now she's going to either be a dragon or a hybrid of a dragon and one other species. This world is going to be based on some relatively complex RPG systems I made. Linked here is a spreadsheet talking about the races, the traits and stats and rules of the races and hybrids. Also,

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Glad to see you added Memorial to your reading list! If you end up liking it, let me know! :pinkiehappy:

Hey there, I do hope you come around in reading my story, To Calm a Tempest. I do hope you come to enjoy it when you come around it. :twilightsmile:

You know, my name was actually based off of the Murloc Tidehunters.

I thank you for the favorite, mortal.

Thanks then.
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