• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
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Lucky Dreams

I didn't choose the skux life, the skux life chose me. (Can also be found at luckydreamsart.tumblr.com!)


Staying overnight in the hospital is already creepy enough without having to deal with ghosts...

Extended version of my fourth place entry for the 'It's Your Funeral' Writeoff event. An enormous thank you to everyone who commented on it over there!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

Great hook! The magical and fantastical elements if the story fit right in with the world of Equestria as does the overall message of the story.

OMG That was awesome!:heart:

Such a sweet story:twilightsmile:

Love the poetic language. It really enhances the atmosphere of the story.

D'aww even ghosts need hugs :heart:

'Cursed Be He That Moves My Bones'

The last line of Shakespeare's epitaph. Fits the poetic nature of this story :)

I looked at the comments. They were positive.
I looked at the like ratings. They were excellent.
I looked at the description. It was not interesting, but not bad.
I looked at the story.
It was flawless. More than flawless.

I don't know why I wrote that in that manner.

There is more than a handful of quaintiloquent words in here.

Watch for the prequel, “Blest be he that spares these stones,” starring Maud Pie.

Author Interviewer

Dashitall, you've got a real way with words.

“Only ’cause I was teased you.”

But I think you missed something here. :B

How are your stories always this cute and sweet?

Comment posted by Ellington deleted Apr 29th, 2016


For some reason this fic reminds me of this.

A suitably spooky and cute story. Sweetie's defiance is awesome, yet it just sets up the reveal of the ghost's loneliness and what follows. A wonderful little read! :raritystarry:

Ghosts are that which is left behind by those to frightened to move ahead.

Or at least that's the poetic theme for them.

In fact, they're ectoplasmic imprints created by tenser field anomalies within the aural fields of the decoherent fluxions decaying within the long-term potentiated gated channels of dying CNS neurons.


Why yes, I do collect spores molds and fungus.

This is sweet and wonderfully written and so very true to the tone of the show and to Sweetie Belle's character.

Have you seen this movie? I recommend it:

"All I got was a rock."

...Is it bad that I looked at your explanation for less than a minute before it started to make sense?

Here's what I got from that sentence:
CNS neurons are probably the neurons involved in magical activity and/or storage, possibly including the magical signature.
The long-term potentiated gate channels are definitely magical storage.
Fluxions are excited during moments of emotional stress, making it easier to channel magic through them - however if no magic is channeled, and the emotion is intense/prolonged enough, then the fluxions become decoherent, leading to anomalous magical activity.
Aural Fields - synonym for magic field, notably distinct from electromagnetic fields.
Ectoplasm - a 100% magical substance, notable for it's inherent coherence and ability to interact with physical matter as though it was physical. It is what Ursa Majors and Minors are made of.

The scenario is that the filly was dying and in extreme emotional distress, and probably a unicorn. Her excited emotional state led to the stated chain reaction that left an imprint of her (magical signature?) in the ectoplasm. This imprint would have decayed had she not died, and possibly left behind a memory of what she went through. However she did die, and her consciousness was somehow transferred to the ectoplasm.

Excited fluxions may be an evolved survival trait. Also, the ectoplasm may be as well, because we don't know what happens to a magical brain at heart death. At this point in pony evolution it's conceivable that unicorns and pegasi can actively harness their magic to fight predators and possibly restart hearts with a shock or spell. At this point the ectoplasm might be useful for, in order of increasing severity, remembering what happened during "death", what happened before "death", restoring a magical signature, and restoring magical function.

What a fun bit of baseless supposition! Thank you.

8650663 Well, I just thought if we were going to make ghosts 'scientific', I could do much better than the crappy 2016 Ghostbusters, with something I pulled out of my plot in 30 seconds.

Even spewing a mixture of BS, neuroscience, and random quantum principles; I managed to come up with a compelling notion for the 'science' of ghosts in a fantasy setting. That's speaks to how lazy the writing of 'Failbusters 2016' truly is.


8641814 Yes I did. On a plane. I had to watch it twice... because I thought I must have missed something.

Several minutes of nothing but the wife stuffing her face with pie til she barfed. Uhm... I have seen people grieving over a lost spouse. It never looks like that. There was no symbolism or metaphor to it. And then there was all the weird time-travelly nonsense. Was it saying the universe repeated, or was the ghost in a time-loop? Either way, the movie contradicted the evidence of both, meaning neither could be true and creating an internal writing paradox! And then we have the glowy door near the beginning. What was that supposed to be? Did it mean there was an afterlife? But if so, how could the universe be a series of restarts? And when the ghost took the message from the door frame... does that mean his duplicate could never find it now? We saw in his particular loop that the message was in there until the house was knocked down... which means the PREVIOUS incarnation didn't dig out the message after making the noise on the piano, which was meant to symbolize, I suppose, that the universe was looping... which this other evidence indicated it DOES NOT since the presence of note in the crack of the prime ghost's timeline indicated those events DID NOT MIRROR EXACTLY.

Add to that the drugged out moron blathering on about pseudo-philosophical nonsense which also contradicted everything shown visually... and think from a narrative perspective that the monologue by the 'grunge prophet' in such films as these is supposed to be the one who has the 'truth'... well, from both the film's perspective and reality, he was completely wrong. In the real sense, light carrying information bears the imprint of what emitted it forever, so long as it is not absorbed by hitting matter, hence we see the light of stars that died billions of years ago. It is a quality of physics that 'information' cannot be destroyed anymore than can energy itself.

So, the movie's story was dull as all get out, and the pseudo-intellectual ramblings were nonsense. Only the modern artsy-fartsy crowd think the movie is anything special, primarily because they have no idea how anything actually works, nor possess the capability to construct a meaningful narrative; hence why they find piles of dirt and balls of randomly tangled strings count as 'art'.

It and "Boyhood" tie for #3 on my Overrated Movies list. "The Last Ledi" clinched the #1 spot recently, sending "James Cameron's Avatar" to #2.

Honestly, what were they thinking? That movie looked so bad even in the trailers that I knew it was a lost cause as soon as I knew of it's existence.

Anyway, since I have your attention, how often does one of your old comments get a reply like this? I've seen you comment in a lot of places.


You missed the point. That's okay, so did almost everyone else.

It's not about time. It's about territoriality and possession. A long sequence of time is used to illustrate the impermanence (but not futility) of both.

When you have lived long enough to see the edgy slang of your youth become the new twennythree-skidoo, you may have some idea of what I mean.


It's funny: although this was a movie full of young people, the theater was full of old people like me.

But then when I was younger I never had the patience for art house movies full of long silences and obscure themes. I still mostly don't. But the trailer interested me as it seemed to resonate with a passage in Walt Whitman's poem "To Think of Time:"

To think how eager we are in building our houses!
To think others shall be just as eager, and we quite indifferent!

(I see one building the house that serves him a few years, or seventy
   or eighty years at most,
I see one building the house that serves him longer than that.)

Not my favorite poem, but one whose oddness...well, haunts me.

I do not think it that odd. The first couplet seems to me to speak about antipathy. The second seems to reference religion, specifically Christianity and the parable about building a house on a strong foundation where your house -> your relationship with God.

...Hold while I go read that poem.

Okay, I didn't make it all the way through, but it seems to have overarching themes of perspective and duality. The trailer I saw of Ghostbusters seemed to make it out to be a crude action-drama with not a lot of action and way too much girl-drama (which, for me, is anything more than one or two scenes denoting that it happened, because that's the only way I've ever really experienced it. I just have no context for girl-drama.)

Clearly I don't understand how these two things could be related unless you saw the original Ghostbusters a long time ago, and you went to go see this one in order to see how the culture of ghost-busting has evolved. You did mention you were an "old person" (your words).

Also, I got confused. I thought both of TheJediMasterEd's comments were about Ghostbusters. After looking back over the comments, I now realize that your second most recent comment was discussion on "A Ghost Story".


Wait, you were talking about Ghostbusters?

Oh man, I thought we were talking about A Ghost Story! :rainbowlaugh:

"Don't cross the genres." "Why?" "It--would be bad."

:rainbowlaugh: More sense is made. :eeyup:

8650738 I had a comment from 4 years ago a few months back. I didn't even remember the story I'd commented on.

8650859 I'm in my 40's. I'm also a research biologist who's also studied history, cosmology, and physics in my spare time.

And I've been a fan of Doctor Who since 1980. I have seen fiction of all forms and all types.

Arthouse schlock doesn't interest me because the points of most of those movies I can dissect into little pieces with very little effort. I find most of them outrageously pretentious and/or outlandish.

"Ghost Story", if it indeed was meant to portray what you say it did, failed to do so effectively and instead focused far more on temporal and existential topics, including the blathering of the grunge philosopher. I can see the 'ownership aspect' superficially, but it doesn't fit with most of the 'topical' scenes of the film.


I'm in my 40's. I'm also a research biologist who's also studied history, cosmology, and physics in my spare time.

That's...very interesting, but I wonder what bearing it has on the matter at hand. We were discussing a minor art-house film, and I said that old age might lead one to judge it less dismissively. You riposted with your academic credentials.

Which were not in philosophy or cinematography or any field related to the the problem of interpreting a work of art which is (I admit) rather coquettish about its meaning.

Hm, coquette. Maybe that's the word that's wanted here. Because some art is flirtatious. It makes you think it means one thing, and then another, and maybe it means something you didn't want it to. Or nothing at all. That's alright. We're supposed to enjoy being flirted with. And some of us do.

And for some of us it's fuck or walk. That's alright too.

8654567 Well, I expect that a movie's story will actually SAY SOMETHING, even if it's something totally silly. This movie didn't even appear to have made up its own mind on anything. A nonchalant shrug is meaningless no matter who's doing the shoulder movement.

read by midnight

Hello! Have a review. I've read enough of your fics in this mode by now to feel very optimistic that reading a new one will be a pleasure -- and so it was here. You really do have a wonderful way with words.

Gosh, I haven't thought about this story in absolutely years. But thanks so much for the nice review! Honestly, it makes me really happy people are still reading + enjoying this so long after it was published :raritystarry:

(Also, yikes, I thought I already followed you! I'm barely active here anymore, so I'm not sure it's worth much -- but have a very belated follow all the same!)

You're very welcome. Your stories have given me a lot of happiness over the years. Thank you for sharing them with us. :twilightsmile:

And thank you too for the follow! Regardless of how often you pass this way these days, it's still really nice of you.

Also a fun story. :) The little songs and brief length in particular make it feel right for being a spooky bedtime story that adults can also enjoy.:heart:

I'm so sorry, I only just saw this somehow! But thanks so much, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :pinkiesmile:

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