• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2023


Fimfic's favorite painkiller, editorial writer for Equestria Daily, and a blog author for Equestria After Dark.


Update: Going to Youtube · 6:09am Jun 13th, 2019

Just letting you all know that I'm mainly switching over to YouTube and non-pony related writing. If you guys still want me to do readings of pony fanfiction, I can work that into my existing schedule. I will be going out of country to teach english in September, but I can take some recording equipment with me once that comes around and I intend to have a backlog as well of stuff to release once September comes around.

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Report ABagOVicodin · 589 views ·
Comments ( 168 )
  • Viewing 164 - 168 of 168

You say you are a bag but your profile picture is a pill bottle, but hey there's drugs so there isn't much of a difference.

I did a little fan art for one of your stories, I don't know if you're still active but I thought I'd show you:
I hope you like it!

If you still are here...

Why not try to write more of your old stuff, like the Nightmare Scootaloo fic?

Are you a fan of spike the dragon and list any spike ship that you faves!?!

2178662 Go ahead and send me a PM!

  • Viewing 164 - 168 of 168
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