• Member Since 6th Feb, 2012
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Pegasus Rescue Brigade

Diminutive Equine Novelist

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The final book in the "Shipping and Handling" trilogy is in progress right now.
Keep your eyes open for new chapters!

Official Equestria Daily Staff Member


I'm still working on it · 2:13pm Last Wednesday

Those who are following the stuff I'm currently writing might have noticed it's taking me a long time to publish the next update to Anecdotes. Again.

I just want to let you guys know I'm still actively writing it when I get opportunities to do so. I'm not stuck, or demotivated, its just... not done yet.

Sorry, I hate the better part of a year is passing between each update. I'm hoping the wait won't be too much longer.


Comments ( 102 )
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Oh wow, I didn't think anyone remembered it.

It met with a tragic fate. Its literally been like 98% done for years, but we had four different Rainbow Dash VA's agree to it and then quit before providing their lines. Everyone lost interest in the project, but all the other voice lines for every single character other than Rainbow Dash are still stored there, ready to go. Even if we got a VA now though, I don't think the director has any intent to ever piece all the audio together. He's moved on to other stuff.

What ever happened to the S&H dramatic reading that you were working on. Is it dead or is just in a stalemate.

Well, yes, but it has been "almost ready" for a long time. Can't seem to finish the last bit of it for some reason.
Hopefully it'll be up soon?

Heyyy, I don't mean to pry, but is the new chapter of Hocus Pocus almost ready? I'm just wondering

  • Viewing 98 - 102 of 102
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