• Member Since 6th Feb, 2012
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Pegasus Rescue Brigade

Diminutive Equine Novelist


I'm still working on it · 2:13pm Last Wednesday

Those who are following the stuff I'm currently writing might have noticed it's taking me a long time to publish the next update to Anecdotes. Again.

I just want to let you guys know I'm still actively writing it when I get opportunities to do so. I'm not stuck, or demotivated, its just... not done yet.

Sorry, I hate the better part of a year is passing between each update. I'm hoping the wait won't be too much longer.



Any tips from my UK readers? · 5:51pm May 30th


In about three weeks, I'm going on vacation in Scotland! I've never been to any part of Europe, so it's pretty exciting, but I know international travel comes with its share of challenges, so maybe some of my UK readers can give me some useful tips.

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I'm back, and writing again · 2:36am Nov 7th, 2023

Hi people,

Just wanted to let my followers know I'm back and working on some writing again.

Sorry for the long delay! Because of health, I wasn't really feeling up to working on anything for much of 2023, but I'm better now, and hope to have a new entry in the Anecdotes of Heart published in the next few weeks.

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Pony Canada · 4:56pm Jul 1st, 2023

I heard it's Canada Day.

I'm not from Canada, but I made a ponified Canada Map on a whim like a month ago and someone told me to post it on Canada day.
So here you go, have Canada if it was part of Equestria and therefore subject to an unrelenting barrage of horse puns.

Happy Canada day to all you Canadians!

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I'm on a break, I guess · 2:13am Apr 3rd, 2023

Gotta be honest with you guys: I haven't written basically anything since releasing the Celestia's Academy Course Catalogue in December.

I'm having some health concerns of an unknown nature that have stretched into the long-term at this point (greater than 3 months). I've got a doctor's appointment lined up, but even though I made it a month ago, it's still not for six more weeks and I'm beginning to think I need to seek medical assistance before that.

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Examining the Results of the previous blog · 1:04am Jan 29th, 2023

Hello again!

It's been three days now since I made the post asking if there's any interest if I were to produce some NSFW content, the comments have stopped rolling in and votes on the poll I posted seem to have come to a halt, so it's time to take a look at what I learned.

1. The Poll

Not gonna lie, the poll paints a pretty clear picture, at least among the people who felt they wanted to give an opinion there.

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Report Pegasus Rescue Brigade · 311 views ·

Is there any audience among my readerbase for NSFW? (Poll in post) · 2:59am Jan 26th, 2023

I'm looking for opinions, so I just put that right in the title so people will look at this.

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Coming Soon: Celestia's Academy Course Catalogue! · 9:08pm Dec 14th, 2022

Hi everyone,

When I finished my last novel back in 2021, one of the various bits of future content I mentioned I was working on was a full course catalogue for Celestia's Academy for Gifted Unicorns. Written like an actual college course catalogue, this is not so much a story and more a gigantic worldbuilding dump surrounding the academy featured in my trilogy.

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Need opinions: how to organize an anthology · 11:07pm Nov 21st, 2022

Ok, let's get some reader input on this one.

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A Status Update of Some Sort · 12:38am Oct 8th, 2022

Whoops it's been like 4 months since I posted anything again.
Let's do a little status update.

How's Anecdotes of Heart coming along?
Currently, only one's been published. There are thirteen more that I have plans for at the moment, and more can be added to that list at any time. Unfortunately, I'm not having much luck turning the current one into an actual story.

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