Five years have passed since the ponies of Ponyville fled their home in Equestria from a puzzling apocalyptic event. A plush tropical island discovered by Twilight Sparkle has been their refuge, but leaving Equestria only created more questions than answers. Luster Dawn is determined to find out what is really happening back home, as well as on this mysterious island. But, with a bit of help, she may just discover something even more disturbing than the idea of never going home.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chivalric Training

The second of the three Choose your Endings is here, before you start reading this I would just like to say two things

First, the series is not cancelled, it's just on hiatus until everything from the Mondstadt arc has been put in place (We still need to figure out the events) so it seems like you guys will just have to wait until it's complete for the next Episode which means I'll work now work on the 'Prologue' of my fangame (which now instead of Rainbow High is an MLPRonpa)

Secondly, I'd like to thank Ryouko_T and Mintie on Discord for their help with the Genshin Impact order, without them I wouldn't be able to figure out when to do the events and such

Now then I'll see you all later and enjoy the story

Chapters (9)

The Mane Six and many more have found themselves spirited away across worlds for unknown reasons. And magically bound to inhabitants of many stripes from said worlds. Costumed heroes, a traveling samurai, ninjas, assassins and former outlaws, even some that may not seem all too extraordinary on the surface. And they will soon find that the fate of all worlds will rest on these partnerships. As it is not just the heroes and innocents of Equestria that have found partners, but the villains as well. And they seem strangely more prepared for this than Twilight and company.

Other Franchises Involved include, but are not limited to: Dragon Ball, Mortal Kombat, Batman, Spider-Man, (and DC and Marvel as a whole), Ben 10, Samurai Jack, various other CN properties, Grand Theft Auto, ASOIAF, Fallout, and Red Dead Redemption. And many others.

Cover image created by Battwell.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to An Empathetic Heart

Misty, with her newly discovered element of harmony, messes up wildly during a battle with Opaline, leaving Zipp badly hurt and the rest of the Guardians of Harmony in disarray.

Luckily, she has a very special pen pal who is more than willing to travel through the portal to mentor her! But why is she so keen to leave her home?

Misty and Sunset Shimmer team up as the combined element of Empathy to show the world what it means to have heart!

Chapters (3)

Sarah Faith Declynn is a detective of Earth. The year is 15024, and she was given a case that would change EVERYTHING as she knows it. Sarah experiences ponies, gods, demons, and bio-mechanical, semi-sentient suits made for war and destruction...all to close a case and maybe even save the world! Will she succeed? Will she fail? Find out in this and the upcoming other books!

Chapters (2)

I don't really remember anything anymore? Um, I think I used to know these things? Who I was? My parents, and my social life? How I lived, and the things I did? But now, I just don't know anymore? I'm not even sure what my name is at this point! All I know is, the sun is now shining on me, and my body just got a lot warmer... I can move again, finally... That must mean I'm finally free? The pavement seems very hard against my hooves...

Chapters (5)

A thousand years ago, a group of humans tried to invade equestria and failed. They were made slaves and things went back to normal. But when they discover a new world with humans they attack it to avoid an invasion. Now it depends of a human kid and 6 young students to restore the peace between both worlds before a war starts.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to As The Sun Sets

Travelers under Luna's moon don't always get the chance to enjoy the night, in peace and alone. Tonight, there is a storm. Tonight, there are two.

Chapters (1)

After being accepted into a Foreign exchange student program BluDeuce is sent to Trokyo as a 2nd year student and soon learns About Trokyo and its history and meets new friends.

[Art work cover made by Ziper Ace]

Chapters (2)

After moving to ponyville, Spring chose to isolate themselves from everypony for an unknown reason. Maybe pinkie pie made them uncomfortable or the frequent troubles that the town faces every week made it nearly impossible to seek friends. Unfortunately a group of mares won’t stop bugging him to go outside and hang out.

Chapters (2)