Starlight Glimmer gave up on her impossible dream of flying, and other dreams besides. Despite the years, Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria, apparently did not.
Hearts and Hooves Day is here, and Anon plans to spend it with the monsters under his bed. That is, until a nosy little pony comes along and signs him up for a speed dating event. Great...
Brian, an adventure-seeking motorcyclist, sets out for a weekend camping trip with friends, expecting nothing more than scenic mountain roads and off-road thrills
A valiant steed is thrown into the land of Equestria during a fierce battle between her rider and another. Epona must find the missing Elements of Harmony bearers to prevent a total collapse between her world and Equestria's.
My name is Sunset Shimmer. I am the strongest unicorn in all of Equestria, and my life is over. I'm in hiding and on the run, and I have no idea where to start putting things back together.
A man of dark magic and dreams of domination was flung into an unsupecting world of ponies. Watch as years later this dark lord faces down the greatest challenge he's ever known: parenting.