• Member Since 17th Feb, 2024
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Sunset x Twilight truther, Rarijack enjoyer. All arts drawn here are made by me! Follow me on tumblr or whatever!

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Time for a HIATUS from the Shimmerverse! · 1:16am July 15th

I've had a wonderful time for it, but after nearly 200k words, with 22 chapters, I think it's time I take a break =v= I have some other projects I want to work on, and for my own mental health, none of them are writing related! I hope, that anyone out here that has been keeping up with Shimmerverse has enjoyed it so far. Know that I am still VERY much intending on finishing it, and you should know that there are roughly 10 chapters left until its completion.

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Report DapperLilArts · 88 views · Story: Across the Shimmerverse ·
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Personally I enjoyed G5, but I agree with this statement 100%. And I'm just not saying that because I also ship Sunlight. Canon really f***ed her over, and not just because she was voiced by T*r* S*****.

yeah discord now has an expiry timer for every image that gets embed outside discord. you can use catbox.moe as an alternative, though!


After a while, the images i put on my fic just dissapear, and are replaced with this error. I usualy link imaged i have saved on discord, some are pngs, and others jpgs. And yet they just dissapear, weirdly!

Does anyone know what this "Upstream error 404 Not Found" mean, and how to fix it? So that the extreme hard work i put on the chapter covers for some of my fics doesnt get wasted xP

It'd be ideal if i placed images on my fic, and they just didn't dissapear for no reason!

Very enjoyable

Comment posted by brite88 deleted March 9th
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