Twilight Sparkle may be a brilliant scientist, a flawless engineer, and a wielder of otherworldly magic—but she's not infallible. Sometimes, she isn't okay. Pinkie knows this.
Spike and Twilight been best friends since kindergarten and always been there for each other, but when the boy spends the night at her place thing's become akward and start thinking if they should be more then best friends.
They did it, Pommi, Ragatha, Gangle, Zooble, Jax, Kingler, hell even Bubble and Cain escape the amazing digital circus, but there troubles is far from over...
Rarity left without a word to most of her friends to study abroad in France, and now, three and a half years later of no contact, she finds herself outside Sweet Apple Acres on New Year's Eve.
As punishment for her crimes, the Elements have cursed Sunset Shimmer to do favors for anyone who asks. Lucky her. And then there's that other Twilight Sparkle she keeps running into...
Twilight is a human in a world of monsters, although she's never met one. So when she finds a vampire dying on her front lawn one day, she's not sure what she's found. A new friend? Or her demise...
After an incident regarding Twilight's browser history, the true extent of Twilight's nerdiness is revealed. With her secret found out, Twilight Sparkle must introduce her friends to the wide, strange world of Live Action Role Playing Games.