• Member Since 19th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen November 14th


Professional Mangiacake

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Long Time, no see! · 2:01am November 1st

Hey guys!

Just wanna say hello! Sorry for the radio silence for a bit, I know it has been a long time. I haven't been in an MLP or EG mood for a while, so writing has fallen to the way side. I know a lot of you are hoping for an update, but I dunno if that will happen for a while. Never say never though! I just started editing a fanfiction I worked on back in highschool almost twelve years ago! So anything can happen!

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Comments ( 23 )
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Hope your doing ok. We have not heard from you in a while. Would really aprecaite if you could give us an update. Just to let us know your ok.

Comment posted by NebulaNyx deleted February 5th

Everything ok you haven’t updated in over a year if your stuck you just change your story status to hiatus

Burnout on a series is totally understandable.Don't force yourself, I for one don't mind waiting. With how great the story is waiting for when you're 100% is definitely gonna be worth it.
Here's hoping you find your groove soon:raritywink:

Yeeeaaahhh, sorry about that. I know people hope for a Halloween update. I'm just really drained d for MLP creative stuff right now. I haven't given up on the story or anything, I just can't seem to find it in me to write for this story right now... I hope it will improve soon. Maybe i need to rewatch the series or movies. Sorry again.

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