Every thousand years, a ball is hurled into the universe. Forged by the Masters themselves, the ball falls into Equestria by complete accident, locked away the Elements of Harmony. Watch as they battle it out and get the ball back. Who will win?
Spike and Donut Joe have always had a close relationship. Friends from the first day they met, and friends to this day...this day usually being one where they both need a break from everything...and everypony.
Every species has a holiday around love. For ponies on Heart N Hooves Day, they trade their loving letter and bold kisses. For griffins on the legendary Night of Griffin, bloody and brutal duals between all the ones who have the eye of a special bird
There's a new filly in Celestia's school, who finds making friends difficult. She's seated next to a filly who could care less about making friends. Neither is exactly friend material... but sometimes you just have to take a risk...
Smolder's time at the School of Friendship, and her recent friendship with Spike, gives Twilight a chance to finally get some answers about dragons. Some answers are better received than others.