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  • 6 days
    Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land (requests)

    I spent a year thinking about what Dragon Tales episodes I should rewrite as a crossover with the Equestria Girls (the Rainbooms, Spike, CMCs and Diamond Tiara). I already got the pilot down (To Fly with Dragons).

    What other episodes do you want me to make as part of my Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land series?

    6 comments · 88 views
  • 2 weeks
    The Irregular Misadventures of the Equestria Girls requests

    I spent a year thinking about what Regular Show episodes to rewrite (with the help of MASTERMIND360). The following episodes have already been rewritten:

    1. Time Kiss (Bad Kiss)
    2. Pinkie Rushed (Sugar Rush)
    3. Rainbow Skunk (Skunked)
    4. Applejack vs. Error 230 (Skips vs. Technology)
    5. A Very Realistic Movie Night (Grave Sights)
    6. Dump Wheel (Trash Boat)
    7. The Graffiti Vandal (Under the Hood)

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    5 comments · 87 views
  • 3 weeks
    Escape from Cyberspace (alternate characters draft)

    I was thinking that I would make a Equestria Girls cyberspace mini-series.

    I'm planning to use the following characters for part 2 (Heatwave in Cyberspace).

    • Apple Bloom
    • Scootaloo
    • Diamond Tiara

    More coming soon...

    15 comments · 117 views
  • 4 weeks
    Aurora Bird's fusion beam

    Anyone who has been hit Aurora Bird's fusion beam would transform into their separate cutie marks that embed on her belly and their eyes and voices will switch when they take turns talking in the same body. Aurora Bird's body color may change, depending on who she merges with.

    It's just like Good Cop/Bad Cop from The Lego Movie whenever they switch.

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    1 comments · 78 views
  • 8 weeks
    Love Lizard's Flower Powers

    • Fruit Entrapment - As it catches her opponent, it entraps them in large fruits.
    • Fruit Transformation - Squirts her opponent with a special fruit juice that transforms them into fruits.

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    0 comments · 63 views

Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land (requests) · 7:12pm 6 days ago

I spent a year thinking about what Dragon Tales episodes I should rewrite as a crossover with the Equestria Girls (the Rainbooms, Spike, CMCs and Diamond Tiara). I already got the pilot down (To Fly with Dragons).

What other episodes do you want me to make as part of my Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land series?

Comments ( 26 )
  • Viewing 12 - 26 of 26

I love those with Littlest Pet Shop (2012), Regular Show, Dragon Tales and stuff like that.

In fact, I'm making an Equestria Girls / Dragon Tales series (with PascalMulokozi2 as my co-author): Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land.

The Rainbooms and Spike (plus Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara) find a magic dragon scale somewhere in Camp Everfree that transports them to Dragon Land. It's where they'll meet new friends and experience new things they never imagined!

I don't really feel like talking to you anymore. Is that okay?

Oh okay and what kind of fanfic crossovers do you like then?

Hello. Sorry that I didn't respond. By the way, I don't really read much Power Ranger crossover fics. I read a little bit of it, but honestly prefer the ones where the Equestria Girls or the FIM ponies are the rangers. You know what I mean?

Sorry. I'm just spitting facts and being honest.

Um what do you think 🤔 of my fanfic Pony Rangers so far? This is the fanfic right here.

Hello, what do you think of the Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land series so far?
Pilot (To Fly with Dragons)
Volume 1 (work in-progress)

Thanks for adding 1000 Ways To Die to your favorites.

I see. I really hope GM Berrow responds to your posts soon. We'll just have to patient.

I saw all those posts. You know you didn't have to write the same exact posts to Gillian Berrow (gmberrow) all at once. It's pretty much spam to me.

I'm being watched... :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Thanks man!

Thanks for adding "Spring Surprises" to your favorites! :scootangel:

Good news:

MASTERMIND360 just gave me permission to add his Regular Show (Equestria Girls) rewrites to Fimfiction, and because of that, it's OFFICIALY up now.

Volume 2 is coming soon, so be sure to keep an eye out for it!

Well, I just asked the original author for permission this time.

If I don't get permission, maybe MASTERMIND360 may upload it.

  • Viewing 12 - 26 of 26
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