• Member Since 9th May, 2021
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Blog Posts

  • 25 weeks
    it finally happened

    it finally happpened as i have been finally unbanned from the cinematic adventures group today

    0 comments · 73 views
  • 118 weeks
    my apology to dramamaster629 and extremeenigma02

    i would like to start off my post by saying that I'm extremely sorry for what i did to you guys last month i sort of let my emotions get the best of me and that's why i said what i said, and i didn't mean anything by it, i don't care if this gets me unbanned and unblocked I'm just doing this to the weight off my chest, so yeah I'm just going to keep this short since I'm not the best at these sort of things and hope that this post somehow finds it's way to you guys

    0 comments · 345 views
  • 122 weeks
    so i have been banned from the cinematic adventures group

    i don't know what to do anymore i just want to fucking die now

    2 comments · 348 views

it finally happened · 3:44am January 31st

it finally happpened as i have been finally unbanned from the cinematic adventures group today

Report pizza11q · 73 views ·
Comments ( 352 )
  • Viewing 348 - 352 of 352

Okay if I can think of a request then I'll go to the page to make it

You're welcome

Like I said before, you may request which Dragon Tales episodes you want me and PascalMulokozi2 to rewrite for the Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land series.

Request page: Equestria Girls: Adventures in Dragon Land (requests)

Thanks for the fav and watch!

you're welcome and i didin't read any of those episodes yet but when i do read them i'll let you know which one is my favorite

  • Viewing 348 - 352 of 352
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