unfortunate news · 5:06am Sep 15th, 2023
hello all I am damian, I am the best friend of the owner of this fimfiction account. I come bearing sad news, the owner of this account has passed away.
hello all I am damian, I am the best friend of the owner of this fimfiction account. I come bearing sad news, the owner of this account has passed away.
hello all I am damian, I am the best friend of the owner of this fimfiction account. I come bearing sad news, the owner of this account has passed away.
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Thank you very much for adding Unearthed: Curse Of The Undying to your favorites.
Damn bro, that's hard to take. I haven't met you before or know if you've read any of my works, but it doesn't matter. I hope your health improves, and if not, that you will have a peaceful and fulfilling next few years. Know that there is a community out here that cares about you and your life, even if we don't know you by name.
Thank you for adding Sex Therapy to your favorites, and I sincerely hope your health improves.
Peace be upon you, and those around you.
Man dood i'm sory to hear that
at leas you can say you had a good run