• Member Since 12th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 27 minutes ago


Universe 010583: A universe where the Mane 7 have boyfriends (Things from the past come jump up, kick back, whip around and spin in style That's my motto!)

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The New Master of Metal · 5:46pm June 8th

In Blaze's next MLP/Ninjago story: The Hooves of Time, we're adding a new master of Metal to the team.

Name: Irona Mills

Species: Earth Pony/Griffin Hybrid

Features: Pony body, Griffon wings and Tail

Coat: Silver

Wings: Dark grey

Mane: Platinum periwinkle

Personality: Shy and Reclusive

Likes: Rock and Roll Music, being accepted

Dislikes: being called freak, critics, bullies

Abilities: Metal manipulation, Armor coating, Metal Attraction, Ore finding

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Comments ( 189 )
  • Viewing 185 - 189 of 189

But I’m surely hoping he’ll come around to go his on stories again soon.

He got called out alongside Blazesaber for plagiarizing. It's likely gone by now.

Hey harry any news on your MLP/Ninjago story when realms unite? You gotta make twilight trust Lloyd already.

Hey Harry. Any news from Blaze-Saber?

  • Viewing 185 - 189 of 189
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