• Member Since 8th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen Dec 25th, 2020


Free ideas for fanfic, just ask and i will give you an idea

Blog Posts

  • 187 weeks
    Rant about jak2

    I the game is amazing the carácters are interesting the gameplay is fun but regarding that last point the driving misions are the most horrible I have ever play I mean sweet celestia the controls are an abomination and the maps were you need to drive aren’t meant for driving in them, look im at the mision were you need tho drive the rebels to their new bases and it’s just horrible because the map is not made for driving in it and you constantly bonk into stuff and the enemies are constantly

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    0 comments · 159 views
  • 188 weeks
    A blog tho help someone

    Look there’s this user called knigsonic and she is in a shiti place right now so I made this blog so more user go to help her
    You can find more information Marion here The end

    0 comments · 115 views
  • 188 weeks

    How do I put a image in my comments and blogs?

    0 comments · 116 views
  • 190 weeks
    “Sorry for bad inglish”

    I Ben using this frase ever sinse I make my account and I will still usit beacuse is beasycly mi signature

    Sorry for bad inglish

    0 comments · 115 views
  • 192 weeks
    Were midnight idea

    A story where twilit is a werewolf and midnight controles the werewolf form and they have a sort of venom and eddie brock relationship

    Sorry for bad inglish

    0 comments · 125 views

Rant about jak2 · 5:28am Dec 20th, 2020

I the game is amazing the carácters are interesting the gameplay is fun but regarding that last point the driving misions are the most horrible I have ever play I mean sweet celestia the controls are an abomination and the maps were you need to drive aren’t meant for driving in them, look im at the mision were you need tho drive the rebels to their new bases and it’s just horrible because the map is not made for driving in it and you constantly bonk into stuff and the enemies are constantly

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Report Wolf3000 · 159 views ·
Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

Hey this is my old account and I don’t give ideas anymore sorry

Hi! I need an idea for a chapter for Bolt Life: Stories. Can you help? But, it has to be Rated E. No T or M stuff. Got it?

Thanks here have a derpy :derpytongue2:

Thank you for the follow! Here, have one back!

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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