• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen January 22nd


Love writing and wished to branch out to see what other stories I could make. I hope you all enjoy what I write.

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Blog Posts

  • 155 weeks
    Celestia family ties

    Hey everyone got a question for you all,
    What is Celestia in familial terms? Let me explain more. Cadence is the sister-in-law of Twilight, who is the adopted niece of Celestia. So what is Celestia to Twilight, an aunt maybe? Or is it because she is adoptive that she has no real familial ties with Twilight and Cadence? Let me know what you think down below and what she would be called.
    Moonrise out. O7

    13 comments · 278 views
  • 155 weeks
    One in our Community is Down.

    Hello everyone that reads this,
    I wish I could say this is good post but it's not. A member of our community was recently attack and was critically injured. She has low chances of surviving. This person is lion star 2001 the person I edit for. I've gotten to know her on deep level and consider her a little sister. If you could send support in this time please do so. Just a comment is fine. If you want to know the specifics about the attack just PM me and I'll tell you privately.

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    83 comments · 795 views
  • 194 weeks
    Anyone Know Hindi

    Hey everyone,
    I was wondering if anyone knew any hindi out there as I have a letter to write to a girl that I'm sponsoring over in India and I want to write her a special letter in her native language. If you know anyone that can help have them message me so I can send it to my awesome girl over in India.
    Thanks a bunch to everyone that read this.

    5 comments · 264 views
  • 196 weeks
    Country name

    Hey everyone,

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    2 comments · 365 views
  • 200 weeks
    Chapter Update

    The next chapter for the Price of Wanting is almost here. Just has to go through editing.l then it will be ready to post.

    Sorry for the long wait. I moved departments where I work and it has been challenging, as I'm the one that gets dumped on for anything that goes wrong, add that with the toxic atmosphere of the department has made it difficult for me to have any motivation to write. Forgive me?:pinkiesad2::fluttercry:

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    6 comments · 270 views

Celestia family ties · 6:13am Aug 6th, 2021

Hey everyone got a question for you all,
What is Celestia in familial terms? Let me explain more. Cadence is the sister-in-law of Twilight, who is the adopted niece of Celestia. So what is Celestia to Twilight, an aunt maybe? Or is it because she is adoptive that she has no real familial ties with Twilight and Cadence? Let me know what you think down below and what she would be called.
Moonrise out. O7

Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

Are you in contact with Lion Star, by chance?

Thank you for the one in return.

Thanks for the watch!

Hey, thanks for the follow. Have one in return

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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