• Member Since 6th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I like violence, heavy metal and talking multicolored ponies

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  • Monday
    WTFIWWY-Is That A Snake In Your Pants Or 100 Snakes In Your Pants?

    This week the life lessons we learned:

    -Don't smuggle snakes into the country you live in. If you do, put them in a wooden box or crate or in your suitcase. Don't stuff them down your pants! That's not what trouser snake means.

    -In this post-9/11 world, maybe don't put fake grenades or real grenades that have been dummied in your carry-on, The TSA doesn't like that and you will get arrested.

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  • 1 week
    WTFIWWY-Eats, Shoots & Leaves

    This week's lessons learned:

    -UK McDonald's, I see your intent, but maybe work on your execution a bit.

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  • 2 weeks
    WTFIWWY-Who Throws A Spider? Seriously!

    Tara was unable to co-host due to a power outage, so Luke was able to step in. Normally when Luke co-hosts, there's a lot of poop stories, fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on who you ask) there's no poop stories.

    This week's life lessons learned are:

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  • 3 weeks
    WTFIWWY-Come Fail Away

    The life lessons we learned this week:

    -If you're going to steal a yacht, know what the hell you are doing or you are very likely to just float right into the cops.

    -If you unlawfully enter into a bank that is unlocked, make your arrest mean something. You don't want to be the guy sitting in jail who broke into an unlocked bank and got nothing out of it, steal a desk or something.

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  • 4 weeks
    WTFIWWY-It's My Party And I'll Shoot If I Want To

    This week the life lessons we learned:

    -Don't shoot at police helicopters. They don't like that and will arrest you.

    -Denmark is recalling some brands of hot and spicy Korean ramen for being too hot. Thanks Denmark for reinforcing that negative stereotype about white people.

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WTFIWWY-Is That A Snake In Your Pants Or 100 Snakes In Your Pants? · 6:38am Last Monday

This week the life lessons we learned:

-Don't smuggle snakes into the country you live in. If you do, put them in a wooden box or crate or in your suitcase. Don't stuff them down your pants! That's not what trouser snake means.

-In this post-9/11 world, maybe don't put fake grenades or real grenades that have been dummied in your carry-on, The TSA doesn't like that and you will get arrested.

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Comments ( 91 )
  • Viewing 87 - 91 of 91
sykko #91 · May 20th · · ·

No worries bro. Thanks for the watch!

you get a follow my fellow artist.

thanks for the help, really its nice to know there people like you to help the more panic pron individuals like me, lol


Thanks for favoriting Sunset's Trial!!

Thanks for adding YWNbA to your favourites :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 87 - 91 of 91
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