• Member Since 16th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Dusk Melody

I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.

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The Wilyverse


New Story Alert! Talons and Lace! · 1:14pm June 29th

Good day to all my lovely followers!

In roughly three hours from now, 5pm UK time, 12 noon US eastern, I shall be releasing my latest creation upon you all.

Talons and Lace is the story of a small town unicorn making her way in a big city.

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  • Viewing 1,286 - 1,290 of 1,290

Yes. I've got a WIP of the chapter but life's gone from being calm to hectic so I doubt the next chapter will be out for a while.

Why not get some rest?

  • Viewing 1,286 - 1,290 of 1,290
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